引用本文:段 茜,张 林,刘文颖.经颅直流电刺激改善脑卒中后下肢运动功能障碍的研究进展[J].中国临床新医学,2024,17(4):472-476.
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段 茜1,张 林2,刘文颖1
1.上海市第八人民医院康复科,上海 200235;2.上海市浦东新区康桥社区卫生服务中心全科,上海 201315
[摘要] 下肢运动功能障碍是脑卒中患者常见的后遗症,严重影响其生活质量和日常活动能力。近年来,经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)作为一种新的无创神经调控治疗技术应用于改善脑卒中下肢步态平衡障碍,受到了广泛关注。该文对tDCS改善脑卒中后下肢运动功能障碍的研究进展作一综述。
关键词:  经颅直流电刺激  脑卒中  下肢运动功能障碍
分类号:R 743
Research progress on transcranial direct current stimulation in improving lower limb motor dysfunction after stroke
DUAN Qian1, ZHANG Lin2, LIU Wenying1
1.Department of Rehabilitation, the Eighth People′s Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200235, China; 2.Department of General Medicine, Kangqiao Community Health Service Center, Pudong New District, Shanghai, Shanghai 201315, China
[Abstract] Lower limb motor dysfunction is a common sequela in stroke patients, which seriously affects the patients′ quality of life and daily activity ability. In recent years, transcranial direct current stimulation(tDCS), as a new non-invasive neuroregulatory treatment technique, has been applied to improve the lower limb gait balance disorder after stroke, which has received widespread attention. This paper reviews the research progress on tDCS in improving lower limb motor dysfunction after stroke.
Key words:  Transcranial direct current stimulation(tDCS)  Stroke  Lower limb motor dysfunction