引用本文:陆金花,陈 茹,陆静婵,陆爱玲,廖逍翎,胡国平,黄陆颖.呼出气一氧化氮联合小气道功能指标检测对咳嗽变异性哮喘的诊断价值[J].中国临床新医学,2025,18(1):12-17.
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陆金花,陈 茹,陆静婵,陆爱玲,廖逍翎,胡国平,黄陆颖
广西壮族自治区人民医院(广西医学科学院)呼吸与危重症医学科一病区,南宁 530021
[摘要] 目的 探讨呼出气一氧化氮(FeNO)联合小气道功能指标检测对咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)的诊断价值。方法 选择2023年3月至2024年2月在广西壮族自治区人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科门诊就诊的慢性咳嗽患者140例为研究对象,根据疾病诊断结果将其分为CVA组(43例)和非CVA组(97例)。比较两组基线资料、FeNO水平和小气道功能,分析FeNO联合小气道功能指标检测对CVA的诊断效能。结果 CVA组呼气流速在50 mL/s时测定的NO浓度(FeNO50)(53.00 ppb vs 19.00 ppb)、呼气流速在200 mL/s时测定的NO浓度(FeNO200)(19.00 ppb vs 8.00 ppb)、肺泡一氧化氮(CaNO)(5.20 ppb vs 3.30 ppb)水平高于非CVA组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。CVA组中合并小气道功能障碍患者比无小气道功能障碍者FeNO50水平显著增高(64.50 ppb vs 26.00 ppb,P<0.05)。受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析结果显示,FeNO联合小气道功能指标最大呼气中期流量(MMEF)、肺活量25%时的最大呼气流量(MEF25%)对CVA有一定的诊断价值(P<0.05),其中FeNO50联合MMEF对CVA的诊断价值更优[曲线下面积(AUC)(95%CI)=0.79(0.70,0.87)]。结论 CVA患者FeNO水平明显高于非CVA患者,FeNO联合小气道功能指标检测对CVA有较高的诊断价值。
关键词:  咳嗽变异性哮喘  呼出气一氧化氮  小气道功能  诊断价值
Diagnostic value of the combined detection of fractional exhaled nitric oxide and small airway function indicators for cough-variant asthma
LU Jinhua, CHEN Ru, LU Jingchan, LU Ailing, LIAO Xiaoling, HU Guoping, HUANG Luying
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Ward 1, the People′s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region(Guangxi Academy of Medical Sciences), Nanning 530021, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the diagnostic value of the combined detection of fractional exhaled nitric oxide(FeNO) and small airway function indicators for cough-variant asthma(CVA). Methods A total of 140 patients with chronic cough who visited the outpatient Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of the People′s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from March 2023 to February 2024 were selected as the study subjects. According to the patients′ diagnostic results, they were divided into CVA group(43 cases) and non-CVA group(97 cases). The baseline data, FeNO levels, and small airway function were compared between the two groups, and the diagnostic efficacy of the combined detection of FeNO and small airway function indicators for CVA were analyzed. Results The detected FeNO at a 50 mL/s flow rate(FeNO50)(53.00 ppb vs 19.00 ppb), the detected FeNO at a 200 mL/s flow rate(FeNO200)(19.00 ppb vs 8.00 ppb) and the level of alveolar nitric oxide(CaNO)(5.20 ppb vs 3.30 ppb) in the CVA group were higher than those in the non-CVA group, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). In the CVA group, the FeNO50 levels in the patients complicated with small airway dysfunction were significantly higher than those in the patients without small airway dysfunction(64.50 ppb vs 26.00 ppb, P<0.05). The results of receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve analysis showed that FeNO combined with small airway function indicators, maximal mid-expiratory flow(MMEF) and maximum expiratory flow at 25% of vital capacity(MEF25%) had certain diagnostic value for CVA(P<0.05), and FeNO50 combined with MMEF had better diagnostic value for CVA[area under the curve(AUC)(95%CI)=0.79(0.70, 0.87)]. Conclusion The levels of FeNO in CVA patients are significantly higher than those in non-CVA patients, and the combined detection of FeNO and small airway function indicators has relatively high diagnostic value for CVA.
Key words:  Cough-variant asthma(CVA)  Fractional exhaled nitric oxide(FeNO)  Small airway function  Diagnostic value